Category: Community

Inner-west schools and property prices

Andrew Degn A range of locational factors set some property above others when it comes to desirability. From nearby public transport options through to being within walking distance of a great café hub, many homes sell off the back of being in a particularly prime spot. But some of the biggest positional price drivers over recent years have related to those which benefit family buyers, and top of the list is being close to great schooling. Having access to highly regarded schools will see purchaserspay a hefty premium for the right family home. In fact, being in the right school’s zone can…

I love the nightlife (of the inner west)

by Andrew Degn It’s astounding the way Brisbane has evolved into one of Australia’s great cosmopolitan centres. World-class restaurants, innovative entertainment options, cool bars, the casino, event centres and go-all-night clubs have become hallmarks of our grown-up capital. I’ve watched with pride as we’ve moved beyond our ‘big country town’ status over the past few…